In my opinion, don't over-analyze why a painting speaks to you over another. Just accept that there's something that "suits your fancy" and enjoy. I try to keep a list in my day-planner of artists and if I'm able to download an image online, I do so, always renaming the image with the artist's name (if available) and put it in my Favorites file. Whenever inspiration is needed, it's a click away. Here are just a few.

Carl Bloch

Albert Herter

Nate Fizzell

Mark Zug

Greg Manchess

Melissa Peck

Tim O'Brian

Justin Taylor

John Laveryn

Edgar Maxence

Dennis Miller Bunker

Arantzazu Martinez


Abbott Thayer

Alexander White

Jean-Étienne Liotard
(thanks Lindsay!!)
Awesome post,and certainly inspiring:)
Great stuff! I think I'll just take your inspiration. ;)
The last one is one of my favorite pastel portraits. It is "Maria Frederike van Reede-Athlone at Seven" by Jean-Étienne Liotard and it lives at the Getty in Los Angeles. I loved it so much I have a magnet at home.
My thanks to each of you.
Thank you Lindsay for the title and artist. I can't believe it's pastel. Makes it all the more...inspiring.
Wow! Not sure I've seen any of these, and I found each of them very interesting in their own way. Some spoke more to me than others, but thanks for sharing them.
By the way, Kim, I posted my review of Sabriel not too long ago. I think you said you wanted to know what I thought of it. I'd love for you to throw your comments in with mine when you get a chance.
The Sound and Fury of Kristopher A. Denby
Kris, it was an excellent review. I read it when you posted it. You do such a wonderful job expressing yourself, sometimes I'm so intimidated, I don't comment. Plus it has been several years since I've read the trilogy, I didn't trust my memory.
Have you seen the Star Wars' "Vision" book yet? Arantzazu Martinez is from that book. Amazing. My favorite though was Peter de Seve's poignant painting of Kermit and Yoda together. Check it out.
Thanks for stopping by, Kris.
I love that you suggest not over-analyzing why we are drawn to art.
Wonderful pieces here, I also find inspiration in them. Thank you.
Kim, i agree, when a painting speaks to me, its straight to my heart & takes my breath away. I keep a file of inspiration on my comp too, and needless to say its visited very often for inspiration when im lagging!I shall be adding one or two of these, Nate Fizzell & AranteZazu Martinez. Thanks for the inro.
so many wonderful artists of whom I've never heard of, thank you for this! My world just got a little more interesting ;-)
Kim, I think the woman with the hat which you have attributed to Abbott Thayer is actually a detail of a painting at the Indianapolis Museum of Art by Edmund Tarbell (American painter, 1862-1938)called Preparing for the Matinee 1907. I am enjoying watching your creativity in this blog & the comments of your readers as well.
Thank you Barbara,
You are correct. I got this image off a Thayer flickr page so I appreciate you clarifying. Have you ever participated in Matthew Innis's "Guess the Artist" contest over on his blog at Underpaintings? I bet you would be good at it. Thanks again for your help.
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