Recently I was able to visit with two wonderful artists, J. Kirk Richards and Melissa Peck. I came away inspired. Both have influenced me in this new sketch and study. The idea is nothing new. I've been playing around with this "Autumn Maiden" painting way too long. But I've begun yet again with a different approach. I think I need something in the upper left-hand corner. Not sure about the colors either. Oh bother.
Love this Kim :) All that movement, and her gesture and expression. Perfect.
I love to see what you're working on :)
So. . . read anything good lately? ;)
Thank you Crystal.
I'm tackling Brandon Sanderson's 1000+ tome right now, The Way of Kings. 100 pages into it. How about you?
This is lovely and graceful. The movement and color are wonderful!
1,000 pages! WOW that is a tome! Do you like it? I'm reading Lips Touch by Laini Taylor and I'm really liking it. I'm so glad you told me about her blog because I love it and haunt it practically every day :)
Thank you Elizabeth.
Crystal, Loaned that honker of a book to my son-in-law while he's on a trip. Currently reading Brent Week's "The Black Prism". Enjoying it. Loves "Lips Touch", especially the third story. I'm glad you enjoy her blog.
Kim, Autumn is my favorite, and I am in love with this piece! Is there a way to buy a print?
Thank you Kristopher. Let me finish it and we'll see if you still feel the same. Good to have you stop by. I visit your blog alot. I just don't always comment. I love your reviews and thoughts.
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