Take one of my favorite stories and add illustrations from one of my favorite artists and you have some serious Middle Earth magic. Few people can match the passion Donato Giancola has for Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. I can't wait for this to hit the shelves this September.

I don't know how Ms. Collins plans to conclude the Hunger Games trilogy BUT, if she kills off Peeta, she has some explaining to do. The challenge will be...to gobble or to savor each page. August 24th.

I LOVE Terry Pratchett. His Tiffany Aching YA series was my introduction to his unique satirical style. I was thrilled to discover that he has added a fourth to the series. Do yourself a favor and LISTEN to Wee Free Men, the first in this series and see if you don't become a fan too. September 28th.

Let me state here that I don't read horror. Not my thing. BUT, reading a woman's review (it's the first one) of the first Yancy book, The Monstrumologist convinced me to give it a try. So glad I did. Poor Will Henry's plight continues this October 19th.

At IMC, James Gurney presented a lecture with some of the invaluable information he has included in this, his second art instruction book. His first, Imaginative Realism is pack full of vital information on creating fantasy art. Color and Light will definitely find a place next to it on my bookshelf this November 9th.

The third book in the Parasole Protectorate series by Gail Carriger. Laughed and giggled (and blushed) all through the first two, Soulless and Changeless. Left me slightly peeved at the cliff-hanger ending of #2. Blameless comes this September 1st.

I confess. Initially, I didn't like Artemis. He wasn't very likable. But that was intentional. As in J. Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy, Colfer invites his readers to journey with the main character as he evolves into a completely likable young man, still flawed but fully realized and believable.
August 3rd. (it's also a wonderful audio narrated by Nathaniel Parker)

I was introduced to Maggie Stiefvater via her faerie-themed books, Lament and Ballad. I was immediately struck by her strong, distinctive and fresh voice. Then came Shiver, which at first, I thought was riding the coat tails of the whole werewolf (vampire) craze. But Maggie is an original and the book holds its own with her unique approach to storytelling. Sam and Grace's story continues in Linger. It's out NOW!! Come on UPS truck!!!
SO, what books are you waiting for?
I loved reading your book commentaries. I wish I had all day to read. Thanks for the suggestions of new books to read. (I have Mockingjay ordered already. I agree, Peeta should live.)
Thanks Ruthanne. I can hardly handle 30 minutes of reading at night any more due to using my eyes for drawing during the day. That's why I listen to so many of them anymore.
I like seeing what your reading at the moment - iv actually gone to the book store to get Sisters Red but it doesn't come out in Australia till September :( im currently reading the Tomorrow when the War Began Series by John Marsden for the ummm 9th time lol before reading the new book thats patiently waiting on my desk named Fire by Kristin Cashore.
Amanda, Fire is a great story. Different from Graceling, but still good. (I will check out Marsden's series)
I love reading your book reviews. I am patiently waiting for Qvothe to continue his journey. On a different note, I am looking for a large print of art for my living room. What do you recommend? I know I don't want flowers or landscape or abstract. Anything else will do well. Thank you so much if you have any suggestions. I am trying to have nice living room geared toward adult tastes.
i have read Graceling and really like it - thats why i went and got Fire. Marsden's series are set in the Rual Australian Outback so for me they were really easy to read and imagine because i live in a Rural area of Australia, he has the first book coming out in a movie later this year (im not sure it will be done all that great though)
Thank you Bayra. I will email you about painting ideas.
Amanda, your country has produced some of my favorite YA authors. John Flannagan of the Ranger's Apprentice series, Sheryl Jordan, author of a little gem, The Raging Quiet and others, plus Juliet Marillier of the Seven Waters Quartet. You are fortunate to get their books first before the US.
True but i think they'd be the only books we get before the rest of the world, and books here are so expensive. I just checked my bookcase i have up to book 9 in Ranger's Apprentice :) Halt's Peril.
Fortunately, I have a friend who has a friend who lives in Australia and he sent her all the RA books. I'm almost ready for #9. I must say they are lagging alittle for me right now. Does it pick up?
sort of, they have their slow bits like with the cult people, and number 9 is fairly similar to the last book. I enjoyed the first few books more. I remember having a weird dream once where i had Will's shooting ability and ranger cloak with Harry Potters broom stick and i was flying around shooting arrows :P i guess thats what happens when you finish one book and then go straight to another without a break.
Kim I'v just read Shiver and loved it. I'l have to go get Linger now. Thank's for introducing me to new books.
Sorry Amanda....I'm late getting back. Lots of family happenings here at the moment. Linger is still sitting on my bookshelf, patiently waiting for it's reader. Did you read it?
Great dream, BTW. Sometimes I get mixed up on story lines too, what with one audio book going on in the car and another in my studio.
Yes i saw your new little family member on your blog post :) cute. Im halfway though Linger now, you get a few other characters story points in this book. I also read Fire last week and very much enjoyed that too. I hope Kristin Cashore writes more.
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