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Shirt #2 FRONT
Patrick Rothfuss, author of The Name of the Wind, just ran a t-shirt design contest on his blog. I usually follow his blog but had missed the last couple of posts. Had one day to do this so I went with what I had. Very factual, very boring. I know someone will come up with a clever one with much hilarity and wit. It did, however, force me to fix somethings on Kvothe's face that bothered me alot (mouth and nose). Here's the newer version. If you haven't read NOTW, DO SO. His long awaited sequel is due out next March.

Young Kvothe from The Name of the Wind
by Patrick Rothfuss
I love that illustration- it'd make a great T-Shirt. I have been making designs in Illustrator for the past week for my new Cafe Press Shop. It's a fun assignment -- to think outside the "page". :)
My daughter uses that program. I imagine your designs translate very nicely to all sorts of merchandise, Rebecca.
I seriously hope your designs are chosen. Humor is great, but I like a little art on my shirt, and yours is stunning. I would pay good money for any of those shirts.
Thank you Amara. So are you a NOTW fan?
Yes, I love NOTW, it’s earned a permanent placing in my top 5 favorite books of all time. I actually discovered your blog off of Rothfuss’s site and have been following it ever since. Since I have broken my stalkerish silence, I would also like to tell you how your artwork is always a highlight in my week, and to thank you so much for sharing it!
Those are awesome shirts!
Amara, good to meet a fellow "Sympathizer". I often lurk so I welcome your stalker status as well as your kind words.
Bug, I thank you.
I love the design, very simple & very effective. i cant wait till the next book comes out! and my sons pals already are lined up to borrow it off me when im done , so long as i get it back lol
How odd, i too have been a silent stalker of this site and also came across you seeing this image on Patrick's NOTW bog. I thought it time i started following you properly :P
Thank you ruthie and AmandaMoo. I'm excited for "Mockingjay", but nothing compares to my anticipation for Patrick's "Wise Man's Fear" (well, maybe Harry Potter 7 is close). And I certainly hope we aren't forced to wait as long for installment three.
Do you mean that Harry Potter 7 the Deathly Hallows hasn't been released over there yet??? it's been out over here for about 2 years??? iv read it 3 times since :P
No Amanda, let me clarify. The FEELING of anticipation for HP7 is similar to the feeling I have for WMF. I have both read and listened to HP7 four times. In fact I just finished my second listen. Man, what a finish to an incredible series!
Ahhhh...that makes much more sense. I agree a great ending to a great story.
I'll take 1 please.
Well, I didn't get picked but there are some wonderful, FUNNY, designs over on Patrick's site. Check them out.
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