I was so shocked yesterday to received a call from
Dan Dos Santos from
Muddy Colors telling me that I had been selected as one of their Rising Stars. What this is all about can be found
here but basically, these generous professionals are hanging our work at their booth completely free of any expense. AMAZING! I am so grateful to be selected, especially after seeing all the incredible work that was submitted. I now have to select which one to send which basically comes down to a choice between an original or a print.
I didn't get into
Spectrum this year and was quite bummed. Rebecca gave me a wonderful pep talk and basically said that there is no time in one's art career that disappointment and rejection aren't part of the job. You just have to pick yourself up and keep trying. Thank you to Muddy Colors for this opportunity. You are the best! Congratulations to the other participants as well.
Congrats!! This is how I found your blog!
I'm not sure if you ever had formal art training, or if you are entirely self taught... but yeah... that's one thing you learn in art school for sure... be prepared for rejection. It's got to be a lot like being a writer.
Your friend has good advice...not to mention, *obviously* your stuff is amazing... and all of these "reject/accept" decisions are made by a human with personal preferences... and sometimes, no one understands what they were thinking... and heaven forbid they were choosing things in a committee... hahaha!
Awesome news! And well-deserved.
Congratulations Kim!
By the way, I submitted to Spectrum 20 as well and got no response. I fully expect you to make at some point. It seems inevitable with your great illustration style.
Congrats on the selection! Wish I was going to Spectrum this year; I'd stop by and say hi! :)
I still haven't gotten in to Spectrum...it's been a goal of mine since I started back on the long climb to re-establishing my illustration career. One day...!
That's fantastic, you deserve this recognition!!!
Congratulations Kim! Very impressed!
Congratulations! I can't imagine how thrilling it must be to get a call from Dan Dos Santos. :) How exciting!
Kim, I'm ever so pleased for you! Congratulations and well done! :D
Heather, thank you. I think any time we put ourselves "out there" in any form of expression, we risk rejection. But we do it because it's our voice trying to connect, right? Your blogs are a hoot. I joined your book blog and will be back to investigate further. Thanks again.
Thank you Suzy. Brian and Tanja, looks like we are all in good company as the Spectrum rejects. What's weird is that the very first time I submitted back in 2006, I got in. I was told that the unpublished category receives the largest amount of entries so there's more competition. Tougher every year. Sigh. Thank you for your kind words.
Thank you BeccaBoo and John and Kelly. And Dave, thank you, especially for your encouraging words in the Muddy Colors comments.
Congratulations Kim, this is great news¡ Way to go¡
That is so fantastic for you Kim! And Illustration Age profiled you too! Way to go!
Thank you Antonio and KS. Marc Scheff is responsible for the IA profile. Such a nice guy.
congratulations on your art being chosen, i can see why they did!
thank you also for the thoughts on books in the above post. might have to pick one of those up.
lovely week to you ~
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