Well, I had just about forgotten about it when I received an unexpected surprise email (aren't they the best kind?) informing me that "Prelude" had been selected! I am so stoked! (does anyone use that word anymore?) The exposure will be wonderful since they include your name on every tin and Prismacolor is available pretty much worldwide. It might even be included on their website and pamphlets. This drawing has turned into my good luck piece, since it was also included in the fantasy art annual, Spectrum 14. The product should be out in 2010.
Thank you, Ann Kullberg (for the initial email), Prismacolor and to Hilary for being my model...all that holding still and wig wearing was worth it!!
Congratulations! What a wonderful news! I just want to buy their product so I can have your artwork in our house! Well, lucky me when they start putting your work on their packages! Now I have to find a artstore that sells pencils. How exciting! GREAT WORK! We love you!
This is fabulous. And I'm sure you'll make a *huge* announcement when it's out and available??!! ;-)
Wow! What great news! I love that drawing!! I'll have to look for the new packaging.
That's wonderful, Kim! :) I just started my own blog and found you here with a lot of the other artists from the IMC last year. How are you doing? *hugs*
I can't wait to see it in the stores so I can say I know the artist that did it! A beautiful piece by the way... you SO deserve this!
Thank you to all of you for your well wishes. I appreciate it.
Just stopping by to say Beautiful picture. I enjoyed browsing through your work.
KIM!!!! That is grand news!!!! I must save up to buy a new tin when they come out!
I'm totally stoked for you!
Congrats, I really need to keep up with other colored pencil fantasy artist. I'm so behind on what's going on these days.
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