On August 7th, we were blessed with a new little granddaughter, lucky # 13, Reese. She's 6 weeks premature, only 3#12 oz at birth.

Here's her mommy looking down at her. Reese was delivered by C-section. After the infection and other stuff Audrey went through, I think she looks amazingly well.

Here she is under the special lights with her cool sunglasses.

Look at that hair! And she has the Kincaid cowlick...something I've passed on to all my grandchildren to some degree or another. It must be one dominant gene. That's a normal sized pacifier to give you some idea of just how tiny she is. She's dropped down to 3#5 oz. but that's typical. I am so grateful to have both her and her mother safe and sound.
Congratulations! She's beautiful!
Congrats Kim! I love that bow too! Keep us updated on her progress....I have to say she looks quite content right now. ;)
Congratulations! She is so beautiful, what a precious little girl. And mom looks great :)
Makes me want another one.
Thank you to each of you. All is going well. Christina: Dominic told me he was a tiny baby too. That gave me great hope.
Oh congratulations, she's beautiful! And your daughter looks so happy...
Very best wishes
Oh my goodness, little Reese is so beautiful!!! All that hair! I'm so glad both Audrey and she are doing well. Sending love your way!
She's adorable. Congratulations.
Congratulations! Reese is a beautiful baby girl! Audrey looks so great. I remember Wyatt when he was 2 weeks old. Look at him now! God bless both mommy and baby! Love you much!
You got great pictures! I especially like the one of Audrey smiling down at her.
Such sweetie, congratulations to you all x
Thank you to all your well wishes. Reese is now 4 months old and 11 lbs. Her development is slightly delayed, especially her muscles/strength and vision but we're hopeful she will catch-up.
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