We have received our assignments for
IMC in June. One of them is a children's story by Jane Yolan about a Tooth Fairy who quits and Mr. Molar, who has to replace her. Here is my first concept done in Photoshop. (
Someday I will have a laptop and be able to sketch away on my Wacom where ever I go). I now have to work on the background and his clothes. In this sketch, Mr. Molar is wondering how he will ever get the TF's wings to fit, let alone work with his considerable girth.
Oh my gosh, I LOVE it. So funny. His face is awesome!
Great work! Is that Jane Yolen of Owl Moon fame?
~he is wonderful !~
~i see him~ i feel him~
Kim - love him! I hope you work this up further.
How wonderful that your class is using Jane Yolen's work as inspiration! She's one of my favorite children's book authors!
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